Ochi Udo


Ochi Udo

Born in 1919 to Mazi Ume Ugoji Okereke and Madam Nwannediya Okereke (Ihekaibeya) both of Eziukwu Compound in Amuvi Arochukwu. Late Mazi Emmanuel Ogbonnaya Ume was an only child. He was happily married to Madam Dora Ume & Madam Grace Ume (Daa Grace) both of whom are today, of blessed memories.

On leaving Methodist College Uzuakoli, he had a short stint as a teacher before joining the Nigeria Railways Corporation (NRC) where he spent the rest of his working life. There he established an enviable record of honesty, hard work and high performance. Little wonder he rose quickly along the various rungs of the organization to retire in 1974 as the Acting District Superintendent of the Eastern District of the NRC. He left behind him a track record of rare dedication, transparent honesty and unimpeachable integrity.

He was also a graduate of the Institute of Transport, London. Dede Ume loved Amuvi and Arochukwu in general with an infectious passion. On account of his selfless and tireless services to his people, Dede was appointed a Patron to Nzuko Aro, Enugu Branch, a position he held till his death in 1992.

In 1972, Dede assumed the leadership of Amuvi Welfare Union as its President-General. He introduced Progressive Measures and Policies such that most Amuvians then generally referred to his tenure as “the glorious era” of AWU. Worthy of note in his outstanding services to Amuvi included but not limited to:

a). In 1962, he single-handedly mobilized both financial and moral support from other patriotic Amuvians to save the lives of two (2) Amuvi persons living in Nomeh at the time. These men were wrongly accused of murder and on conviction, would have been sentenced to death by hanging. Dede helped in establishing their innocence and saved them from that painful, shameful and underserved death. This was victory for Amuvi as well.

b). He introduced the “Amuvi Newsletter” – a periodic journal for Amuvians chronicling outstanding developments and important events in the community. It was a vital instrument used in bridging information gap at the time.

c). It was during his time as the President-General, that the pupils of St Thomas School (now Community Primary School) Amuvi enjoyed free Primary Education. This was however, a measure taken to ensure that the School was not closed down owing to scanty pupil enrolment which resulted from the inability of parents to pay school fees at the time.

d). Dede Ume as a visionary leader he was, resisted all threats from the Local Administration in Arochukwu at the time, to close down our Agbata-Uzo market just to make way for the then newly created Central Market. He practically fought the Local authorities then to a stand-still to the overall benefit of Amuvi.

e). Dede Ume also, ran an open and very transparent administration in his time. Accountability was his watch-word till even after handing-over his position in 1974.

Dede Ume who died on the 14th of July, 1992 is survived by his several children, grand, great-grand children, in-laws, relations and friends.