01. welcome
Experience Amuvi
Invest in Amuvi
Make a difference
You are welcome to Amuvi Online. This is the official website of Amuvi. You are invited to explore our beautiful town.
03. Projects
Our Adopt-a-Project program is a way for volunteers, Branches, Age Grades, individuals and groups to stay connected to our project sites and help further our mission! We are excited to unveil the list for the 2018-2019 project year to all Amuvians and our supporters. If you are interested in adopting a project, please email us at admin@amuvionline.com to let us know which project you choose to support! The projects will be updated once they have been adopted and new projects will be added throughout the year. Our new fundraising page will also track the amount fundraised! All projects are available to be adopted fully or as a section; if you would like to donate a specific amount to a certain project, please just notify us.